Jassify - A Holistic Marketing Agency

Jassify is a 360° creative digital media organisation that unifies Talent Management, Video Production, Social Media Management and Influencer Marketing under one roof. Conceptualised by Suryansh and Jahnavi, we are an ensemble set of young creators who specialise in all things digital.

Talent Management

Influencer talent management bridges the gap between brands and influencers to ensure a seamless experience. Every brief is decoded, and each brand is connected to an influencer that perfectly fits the brief.

Connect With Brands

Connection breeds loyalty, protecting businesses from boycotts when customers have a bad experience, or from losing customers to a competitor. Sixty-four percent of consumers say that their loyalty to a brand increases when they feel connected.

Social Media Consulting

Social media consulting is the process of reaching out to and engaging with the customers using social networking channels, on behalf of a brand.

Influencer Marketing

At its core, influencer marketing is the process of using external content creators, or influencers, to advocate and engage with your brand's message. As part of this, the influencers present their content to their audience, increasing brand awareness and helping to convert their audience into your customers.

What Does a Digital Marketing Agency Do? Everything You Need to Know.

Digital marketing is a multifaceted strategy aimed to target, reach out to, and build relationships with customers online, across a broad range of channels, ultimately getting them to make a purchase and more purchases in the future. The results of digital marketing are dramatic. Blogging alone can help brands bring in 67 percent more leads compared to those that never post. SEO also boasts a conversion rate of 14.6 percent, which is dramatically higher than the 1.7 percent conversion rate that traditional outbound methods deliver.

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How Our CEO Become The Wizard Of Finance ?
Why Jassify Is Giving Free Services To The Companies ?
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Our Master Team Who Are God Of Marketing





Rajnikant Singh

Rajnikant Singh
